
Legion vs. Space Godzilla
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Legion vs. Space Godzilla
Arena: Tokyo

It was morning in Tokyo. The army of thousands of Symbiotic Legions were on the move into Tokyo, taking it over and looking for silicon so they can spawn Legion Flowers to spread their race. By nightfall, the colony successfully manages to get one up. With the entire Seld Defence Force trashed within a two mile radius, they were able to launch their pod by the flower. It seemed as if nothing could stop them from completing their mission.
Suddenly, out of the night say and coming from the East was a crystal like figure hovering over a mile above the ground. The terrible creature was the notorious Space Godzilla, sauron from beyond the stars. Flying low and entering Tokyo Bay, the Symbiotic Legion attack in a group of two thousand. However, Space Godzilla summons his forcefiels up and every Symbiotic Legion is fried upon impact. Their remains were reduced to ashes as they hit the ground with tremendous force. Space Godzilla landed and wanted Tokyo to be his private fortress of terror so he could rule over all of Earth.
However, he couldn't allow the Flower to launch the pod if he was going to do so. Using his homing corona beam, he fires at the flower's weak point, blowing it up.
Suddenly, Legion came out of the ground. Furious at what Space Godzilla did, she used her electro magnetic beam on the cosmic sauron. This managed to blow up Space Godzilla's left shoulder crystal as the nuclear star monster cried in pain. For that happening, the crystal lizard used his gravity tornado on the mighty insectoid. Legion was thrown a few hundred feet back and went through a building. Trying to recover, she made her way up only for Space Godzilla to use his corona beam to strike her down. Space Godzilla fired a second corona beam. Legion brought up her forcefield this time to try and block it. The beam pierced the field Legion was struck in the chest, causing a mortal wound. Space Godzilla used another gravity tornado to prove who was running the show in Tokyo. Legion fell to the ground.
Legion realized that if she wanted to win this war, she'd have to retreat first. Taking to the air, she fleed as Space Godzilla was allowed to create his fortress of crystals. Space Godzilla taunted Legion, thinking the fight was over. With his screetchy roar, he let Tokyo know it was under new management. Legion went to a near by mountain range and decided to rest. This fight was a draw, for now.
The next day, Space Godzilla managed to create crystal towers that rivaled mountains and covered everything the Legion swarm took over. The Self Defence Force sent their tanks, jets, and masers to challenge the cosmic leviathan. Still wounded from Legion blowing off his left shoulder crystal, Space Godzilla did not allow it and took on the military. He used his crystals as projectiles and wiped out the entire maser and tank platoon. The jets weren't much trouble as he simply used his corona beam to destroy the whole squadron. The Self Defence Force could only watch as Space Godzilla expanded his territory, for Tokyo would not satisfy him long.
Four days went by as Space Godzilla managed to cover everything in a ten mile radius. Thinking he Finally won, he decided to rest. Without warning, that is when Legion struck. She and her nine thousand six hundred Sybiotic Legions destroyed crystals along their way to the ever so sleepy Space Godzilla. The Symbiotic Legion cleared out more then a hundred crystals within an hour, when Legion made another one hundred soldiers to assist them in their quest to overthrow the tyrant. Three hours went by as they cleared crystals to make Space Godzilla weaker without him knowing.
The cosmic lizard opened his eyes slightly and saw what was going on. He fired his corona beam into the Smbiotic Legion, but ten thousand were made at this point, making it nearly useless to use the corona beam. Space Godzilla summoned his shield at the front, but didn't know that Legion was sneaking from behind. Using another EM beam, she fired at Space Godzilla's right shoulder crystal and blew it up upon impact.
Howling in pain, Space Godzilla suffered a great mental strain as he was forced to pull down his forcefield, allowing the Symbiotic Legion to attack him from the air. Legion fired at his not completely healed yet wound on his right should. This made Space Godzilla suffer alot. He used one of his last crystals to use as a projectile and rammed Legion's back with it. Space Godzilla was covered with Symbiotic Legions at this point, making victory slim. Legion got up and used another EM to Space Godzilla's face. Though it didn't hurt as much, his face was now deformed. The Symbiotic Legion got off at this point to let their queen finish the crystal leviathan.
Space Godzilla could only fire a corona beam at Legion's head, blowing it off in the process. Legion suddenly had her whips out of her head. Space Godzilla was constantly impaled with them as he was struck violently over and over again. He used his corona beam again, but Legion got her forcefield up, this time however, Space Godzilla was weaker, unable to pierce Legion's forcefield. Space Godzilla's last crystal fired, but Legion used her shield against that as well. At this point, Space Godzilla went down fro the count. The Symbiotic Legion tore up what silicon they found in him and left the creature for dead. Space Godzilla had his right eye blown out and his left eye was starring at Legion. Now defenceless, Space Godzilla could only look upon the mighty insectoid commander of the space colony of killer insects that made him eat both victory and defeat. His left eye closed, as he passed on, never to rise again. Legion used her whips to destroy the head, hoping that Space Godzilla was gone for good.
Legion commanded her troops to make a new Legion Flower, to contiue their primal quest. The planet was later made into a Legion base that ran for more then a million years.

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