Hello, have you ever got bored with Super Sentai or Kamen Rider? If you have Sazer X might be for you. As
we begin with the first episode, We get a glimpse of the future and in 2005 A.D. we get attacked by Space Pirates, then in
2500 AD A group rises up that opposes them, this group in order to save the world must go back in time to when the World was
blue, because apparently the Space Pirates like the color red, because that's the new color. Anyway this Group is named none
other than Sazer X, Led by Captin Shark. Anyway we see three Mechs trying to go into a time portal but are getting shot at
by a big war ship, and then we notice a war going on, with the three mecha trying to reach the Worm Hole, but it's closing
soon so they must hurry. Also we learn that the people in the mechs name are Ad, Kane, Remy, and as thier trying to get to
the wormhole they say thier are all ready except Kane, because apparntly he left his pillow, but they do not stop for it.
When then see the credits, and you got to admit that the theme song is catcthy.
Anyway after the credits we see an
old guy talking to his son/grandson and telling him when he's 18, that the space pirates will attack earth, and gives him
an important item that will help humanity fight the Pirates from outer space. When then skip to a guy driving in a race car,
sponsered by Honda, because Honda help paid for this show. But the car breaks down and is taken away from it for driving to
fast, also we learn his dream is to be a F1 racer, and we also learn he's the grandson of Andou Soujirou. We then skip to
a family having tea when there's a large noise outside, the Dad looks out and realizes that the space pirates are coming.
We then go back to the one car racing guy, and we learn since he's the grandson of Andou Soujirou he can be anything he wants
to be, but he's says he's Andou Taxto, and he wants to accomplish things on his own, but just then they see the giant pirate
ship from earlier, and the Taxto says "Space Pirates". We also learn the villians names are Wind Shogun Cyclead, Fire Shogun
Blaird, ans Water Shogun Aqual, which brings up a question if thier pirates why are they called shogun? Whatever.
back at the house we so Soujirou grab somethings and get into his car. We then goto to a bridge where we see the pirate war
ship has began attacking, and Taxto takes a risk and drives a bycilcle over the bridge. While the bridge is being destroyed
two boys falldown, but just as Taxto is about to save them, he gets beamed up to the Lino mech from the future, but then the
pirates begin shooting at them, but they are block by the Bettle mech, and the eagle mech. It then errupts into a battle,
but Taxto overtakes the lion mech to trie to save the boys, but he drives like an idiot, but he still saves them.
bad guys then send down a monster, and it looks like a robotic pirate demon thingy, I'm not sure. Anyway Remy beams down herself
and Taxto, and she tells him how to transforme, and he transforms into Lio-Sazer and begins fighting the pirate monster, which
we learn his element is lighting, which means Lio-Sazer can beat him, and then Ad, and Kane appear and transform into Bettle-Sazer,
and Eagle-Sazer. They then begin to help to fight, but then Blaird comes down to fight them, but Lio-Sazer battles him for
a thing called the cosmos capsule. But then his Grandpa apears and gives him the Lion Capsule orb, which Lion-Sazer uses for
a big attack which destroys the pirate momster, and the fire shogun escapes. We then see Taxto looking at his grandfater.
Well this was a great first episode, for a serise, and the music is real good, and thhe action was also good. My only
real complaint was the plot was a bit hard to understand, butmore should be reavle sooned. Also I wonder what's up with Shoujirou,
he seems to know alot about the future. Well this is a real nice serise to watch after your done with Sentai and Kamen Rider.
at the end they have tips, for this one it's When you see a friend say hello