-Orlando Eastwood
- Updated the Banner
- Updated the News page
- I has been a while since I've updated. Just busy and all. I'd like to thank the staff for keeping this place
running. So, expect more updates soon!
Added my review of Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster to Movie reviews-
- My review for Mothra Vs. Godzilla is up. I don't have all the images up yet, but I will have them up soon.
- added Zedus to monster bios
- As you know, we are probably running out of disk space right about now. It does pose a problem for Tohogate's progress.
However, a way has been found to expand this site. I will be adding a new section called other Pages which will link
you to other Tohogate pages/sites. This will keep the site up and running at full efficiency. As of admin function here, staff
will log in HERE to post updates on the main page. For example. The magmouth.tohogate extension, if it was to be edited by
me, or staff, then staff would edit the magmouth page, and log in on the main site to post their update. As for logging in
to the other sites, staff, you will include the same password, but for the username, you will type in the site name. If you
have questions, contact me on the forums.
- atari has updated its site, and 23 monsters have been confirmed for Godzilla unleashed. The roster so far, will
include Godzilla, Gigan, Magmouth, Megalon, and Kiryu. Head over to the news section for details.
- Added the other pages page.
- Orlando Eastwood
- Update the news for Godzilla Unleashed in the News section.
- Happy April Fools day! Sorry that we could not pull a prank on the good members of the forum. But we just weren't
prepared this year. but you guys may find that I have pulled a couple of strings.
- Orlando Eastwood
Added the history of Gorosaurus to the Monster Bios
Added Hedorah (Showa) to the Monster Bios
- I would like to thank Legionmaster for submitting Artwork to the site via the kaiju fan art contest on the forums.
- Orlando Eastwood
Added Gabara to the Monster Bios
- I added my DVD review for the Japanese film, "Audition" in the review section. I also updated my other reviews just a little bit.
- OrlandoEastwood
- Hope everyone had a very merry christmas.
- added King Ghidorah to the monster Bios. Though it isn't done, the information I have provided should be sufficient for the time being.
- Happy Holidays from all of us at Toho Gate, to those who have been out we hope you had a good Christmas.
-Orlando Eastwood
- Orlando Eastwood
- Added Monster Bios banner.

- Added Funny Godzilla to the clips section.
- We will be closed for christmas, however the forums are still open.
-Orlando Eastwood
- added alienhulk2099 to the staff page. He is quickly becoming one of the site's assets.
- Added Varan to the Monster Bios
- Added Classified As to Varan
- added Mothra to the Monster Bios.
- Be sure to join the forums on your way out!
I am looking for staff that knows some information on Toho kaiju. Much appreciated. I really need some help.
- added Anguirus showa to the monster Bios.
Added Godzilla Final Wars, Musical Version. Thanks to GMATT for the uploading and being generous enough to give it to us.
Well, Tokyo monsters is closing. I am sad to say. The Forums will be in mourning.